Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bone Structure - Interior


Sex: Male
Age: 28
Height/Weight: 5'11 / 200lbs
Color of hair, eyes, skin: Caucasian, Brown, brown.
Posture: Bad
Appearance: A bit disheveled, slightly over weight, untidy.
Defects: No real ones
Heredity: German Irish

Class: Lower
Occupation: Freelance wedding and corporate videos. $1000 per video.
Education: B.F.A. in Film from UCF
Home Life: Parents divorced, but upper middles class. Single, has not had girlfriend since college.
Religion: Agnostic
Nationality: American
Place in Community: None
Political Affiliations: Former Occupier. Liberal.
Hobbies: Film watching, film collecting.

Sex Life, Moral Standards: Has a non existent sex life, not by choice.
Personal Premise, Ambition: To be a great filmmaker.
Frustrations, Chief Disappointments: Has never made a decent film, though has never admitted failure.
Temperament: Very easygoing.
Attitudes Toward Life: Very resigned. Expects to be a great filmmaker, but is stuck in a rut of not doing anything.
Complexes: Compulsive film knowledge and interest. Does not care for much else.
Abilities: Film trivia, film tech, computers.
Qualities: Great sense of humor. Somewhat fearless.
I.Q.: 120


Sex: Not a physical form
Age: Eternal
Height / Weight: 8ft / none
Color of hair, eyes, skin: Black, red, white
Posture: Straight
Appearance: Varies depending on who is watching
Defects: Not human
Heredity: Depends on who it is haunting.

Class: None
Occupation: Ghost
Education: None
Home Life: People have invaded its space. It does not like them.
Religion: All
Nationality: None.
Place in Community: A local legend.
Political Affiliations: Politics don't exist.
Hobbies: Watching.

Sex Life: No body.
Ambition: Announce itself. Attain identity.
Frustrations: Watching without control of physical world.
Temperament: Easily angered.
Attitudes Toward Life: Wants to take life from the living.
Complexes: Almost homicidal.
Abilities: Can move into the physical world.
Qualities: Curiosity.
I.Q.: 400

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